Rayray Care Relief Limited are an organisation with active experience in care services and
has so far had private provision, delivering approximately 100 hours a week to clients. Our staff are trained or where relevant, have training available to them in areas such as:
Code of Professional Conduct (in accordance with CQC and Skills for Care requirements),
Key Legislation and National Guidelines, Care Certificate, Understanding your Role and
Responsibilities, Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations
(RIDDOR), Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations, Display
Screen Equipment, Risk Assessment, Waste Management, Bullying and Harassment, Stress
Management, Caldicott Principles, Confidentiality, Information Security, Data Protection,
Record Management, Care Planning and Record Keeping, Effective Communication,
Handling Violence & Aggression, Managing Risk, Minimising Restraint, Lone Workers,
Complaints Handling, CSTF Equality, Diversity and Human Rights, CSTF Safeguarding
Adults, Mental Capacity Act & Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS), Mental Health Act,
Mental Health Awareness, Learning Disability Awareness, Dementia Awareness, MRSA,
Blood Borne Viruses, Exposure Prone Procedures, Spillages and Body Fluids, Sharps
Management, Clinical Waste Management, Food Safety Awareness, CSTF Fire Safety
Awareness, Manual Handling Objects, CSTF Moving and Handling of People, CSTF
Resuscitation – Basic Life Support (BLS),Medication Management (Safe Handling of
We are currently consolidating our position and are ready to provide a full range of care
services from our new, main offices in the borough of Ealing. Whilst our move is not finalised
at time of writing in terms of our business registrations, we expect these to be fully complete
by end of January 2023. We are also establishing property links for the provision of
supported living services.